SEBC (Denmark)

Society for Evidence-based Coaching, Denmark (Selskab for Evidensbaseret Coaching)

Society for Evidence-based Coaching (Selskab for Evidensbaseret Coaching, SEBC) is a part of the Danish Psychololgical Psychological Association and was founded on the 15, March 2007. The purpose of the SEBC is to develop and disseminate knowledge and practice of evidence-based coaching as well as ethical guidelines and standards for best practice in the field of coaching. Our society tries to achieve this by regular meetings, lectures, conferences, courses and trainings in evidence-based coaching as well as coaching psychology presented by both national and international thought leaders in the field.

Selskab for Evidensbaseret Coaching er et fagligt selskab under Dansk Psykolog Forening stiftet d. 15. marts 2007. Selskabet arbejder med udvikling og udbredelse af evidensbaseret coaching, etiske retningslinjer og standarder for best practice på coachingområdet. Selskabet forsøger at opnå sine mål gennem afholdelse af medlemsmøder, foredrag, konferencer, kurser og uddannelser i evidensbaseret coaching og coaching psykologi, med både nationale og internationale eksperter indenfor feltet.


Dr Ole Michael Spaten and Lillith Olesen Løkken