ICCP 2nd – 6th October, 2023
13th International Congress of Coaching Psychology, 2023
DATE: 2nd to 6th October 2023, Virtual Conference.
Theme: Celebrating International Coaching Psychology: Theory, Research and Practice.
We are pleased to announce the date of the 13th International Congress of Coaching Psychology, 2023 sponsored and organised by the International Society for Coaching Psychology (ISCP) with co-sponsors. The main conference theme this year will be “Celebrating International Coaching Psychology: Theory, Research and Practice”. This is a virtual event held over the Zoom Platform.
Masterclasses will be held from 2nd to 5th October, 2023. On Friday 6th October, there will be a combination of congress keynotes and invited papers. The ISCP Italy Research Hub is running a symposium on the day.
The Congress co-sponsors and supporters include the International Society for Coaching Psychology, Society for Industrial & Organisational Psychology of South Africa (SIOPSA), SIOPSA Interest Group in Coaching & Consulting Psychology, British Psychological Society Division of Coaching Psychology, Hungarian Association for Coaching Psychology, Society for Coaching Psychology Italy (SCP Italy), Col·legi Oficial de Psicologia de Catalunya Coaching Psychology Section, Society of Consulting Psychology (Division 13 of APA), and the Singapore Psychological Society Coaching Psychology Special Interest Group (SPS). Their members can use the booking code: ISCPGUEST2023 to attend congress Day 5 (6th October) for free. They can also attend the masterclasses and obtain 50% discount by using the booking code: ISCP2023
For masterclass and congress bookings, visit our Eventbrite page.